You found WHAT in the Toilet?!

Plumbers often find unusual things in toilet systems. With the right tools, they are usually dealt with fairly easily. However, sometimes…

You found what in the toilet

Sometimes, the mysterious blocking object requires special skills and a dose of courage.

Here are a couple of unusual blockage stories

A plumber by the name of Ed Ernest was once called for one such a blockage, but the mysterious object wasn’t any of the usual suspects. It was, in fact, a squirrel.

When Ed arrived at the home, he was brought up to the toilet, only to discover a squirrel’s tail sticking out of the bowl. He tried to pull on the tail, but the squirrel, against all odds, was still alive! Knowing he needed to be careful, and quick, he removed the toilet from the home’s water supply in its entirety. This was the easiest step.

After disconnecting the water, Ed found the water-logged squirrel poking its head out of the other end of the pipe. He took out his auger and, with some care and precision, he managed to get the head and two front paws of the poor squirrel out of the other end of the toilet. Grabbing the squirrel by the paws, Ed pulled him out completely. The poor thing was in shock but still alive, so Ed took it outside and put it on a nearby tree. In the end, the toilet and the squirrel were saved.

One evening a plumber received a call from a casino manager who had complaints of a backed up sewer line. When they arrived, the clog was so bad that the foreign object had been pushed into the main sewer line, backing up all pipes throughout the casino. They had to act fast or the entire casino would have flooded with raw sewage! A combination of sawing, digging and jetting led to the culprit of four “Thomas the Train” toys that had been flushed down the toilet in the day care of the casino. To say the least, it was a literal train wreck!

If you have any plumbing issues, big, small or furry, give Plumbspec a call today! Click Here for more information about PlumbSpec or call 0417 555 325 

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