Summer Water Bill Arrrrrgh!

Summer water bills are notoriously high, but there are a few things you can do to save money on your quarterly bill.

Paying too much for water

Check for leaks around your hot water service, washing machine pipes, dishwasher, taps, toilet cistern, pool filters, outdoor taps and look for spongy damp areas in your lawn. Keep an eye on your water meter, if the numbers are turning while you are not using water, there could be a leak.

Use water efficient appliances and tap ware

Install new water efficient taps or upgrade your current taps by installing flow regulating aerators.

Make sure your washing machine has a least a 4.5 star rating.

Shower heads are now available with star ratings for efficient water use.

Use water wisely

Keep a jug of water in the fridge instead of running the tap for cool water.

Wash fruit and veg in a plugged sink instead of under a running tap.

Only run your dishwasher or washing machine when you have a full load.

Rinse your razor in the sink and use a cup when brushing your teeth, instead of running a tap.

Sweep or blow vac the driveway or paths instead of using a hose.

Plant native plants that require less water.

Use compost to improve your soil and mulch to help keep the water in the ground.

Water the garden in the early morning or evening to reduce evaporation. Wash your car on the lawn and do two jobs at once.

Use a pool cover, uncovered pools lose more than half their volume to evaporation over a year.

If you have any concerns, call PlumbSpec on 0417 555 325 

What We Do

PlumbSpec have a team of professional Plumbers and gas fitters ready to meet your plumbing, gas, refrigeration and air conditioning services needs for the Albury, Wodonga Regions.

Whether you’re building, renovating or need routine maintenance on your home or business, contact us. Feel free to also contact us for hot water systems prices.

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